Cleaning House

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One of my incentives during the 12 Months of More is to rid my life of all the extra “stuff”. In the famous words of Marie Kondo, if it doesn’t bring you joy get rid of it – or something like that. I won’t tell you that I went through and thanked all of the items I chose to remove from my home/life for the purpose they served, but I definitely have been cleaning house since October 1st.

 My mom and I would normally go through our possessions once or twice a year and donate anything we no longer wanted to goodwill. We’ve always purged. This time is different though, because I’m no longer allowing myself to go down the rabbit holes of “I might need this jean skirt one day” or “I can’t get rid of that bag, I used to LOVE that bag”. No more! If it doesn’t make me jump for joy it’s getting sold or donated – end of story!

With that being said I want to try to sell some of my designer items that I feel are worth too much to just donate. I know there are lots of online options when it comes to selling items online but the simplest option seems to be Facebook Marketplace.

Okay, BUT DID YOU KNOW, that you can’t join Facebook and immediately have access to their marketplace?! Apparently Facebook can take any length of time it likes to allow a person access, and since I created a Facebook just to sell these designer items, I’m on a waiting list. What a pain in the ass.

My friends and mom have been so supportive in offering to let me list my items on their accounts, but imagine this scenario:


You finally meet up with a stranger from Facebook who wants to buy your Vince sweater and they are like, “oh, weird you’re not Sarah!”


Yeah, I look like I’m trying to catfish my potential marketplace buyers.


So now I’m looking into other online options – stay tuned.