Am I Insane?
Let me explain how I came to decide that I needed to embark on my “12 Months of More.”
My mom has quite a few wonderful friends, and one of the very best is Peg. Peg read a book and gave it to my mom because she thought that I should read it.
That book sat on my nightstand for months. Not because I didn’t want to read it, but because I knew once I opened those pages and absorbed the truths from those words…I wouldn’t be able to deny my shopping/spending issues any longer.
[And you can bet your sweet asses that this girl was in DENIAL!]
The book Peg lent me is titled “The Year Of Less” by Cait Flanders. Now to be honest, I didn’t love the writing style in this book. However, it did inspire me to take a long and hard look at my own life and the current choices I was making.
So, that’s how I decided I would take on my own year of consuming less – and living into MORE through more intentional spending.
I finished the book in September and decided to begin my year-long experiment on October 1st, 2019.
Soon I will share about my support on this project…or lack thereof.