Shopping Addict

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I know there are some of you who will roll your eyes when you read this, and that’s okay. I’m not writing any of these posts for you, I’m writing them for me. And this one covers my addiction to shopping.

I love to shop. Whether it’s for clothes because I’ve hit another health goal, or because I’m traveling and I “need” something to remember my trip by (insert my own eye roll)… or because it’s just that time of year again when I need to restock my gift closet for Christmas – I love it.

[Yes, I have a gift closet and yes I’m on of the crazies who usually has all of my gifts bought before November.]

I get an actual high from finding the perfect whatever it is I’m shopping for.

The only problem is that after the shopping day is over and I’m home with all my new purchases, I ALWAYS feel a sense of anxiety. I go over and over every single purchase in my head and normally convince myself to return something from the shopping spree.

It’s a vicious cycle that I’ve been putting myself through for years, and I don’t really know why. I think I get that shopper’s high and feel so excited for a moment that I forget all of my past experiences and hand over the credit card.

I’m hoping the further I get into this experiment, the less likely I’ll be to ever go back to the unhealthy shopping addiction.

Momentarily, I still see things I momentarily want to purchase every time I walk into a store – but that’s a topic for another day.