I panicked.
I’m completely guilty.
I had a blip in my sanity where I thought everyone was going to lose their minds and start shooting one another and so I dropped an insane amount of money on food and supplies.
Then I had a complete breakdown about being alone. I’m talking sobbing on my kitchen floor, eating 2 containers of Ben & Jerry’s in one sitting kinda breakdown. Not. Cute. My family was at our home in Florida when the shut-in took place and decided to ride out most of the COVID-19 storm down there. So that meant in order to practice safe social distancing I could not be within 6 feet of any of my humans. I couldn’t hug a friend. I couldn’t hold one of my tiny humans. That shit will put you in a dark place.
Then I stopped feeling sorry for myself. I took a good look at all of the things I needed to be thankful for:
None of my loved ones were fighting for their lives on respirators.
I would still be able to start my new job remotely on April 27th. I was not out of a job like so many others.
I am still able to currently pay my bills.
I have access to technology that allows me to not only talk to all of my humans, but to SEE them too.
I have food. I will not worry about starvation.
I am one of the lucky ones.
It took me a few days to realize that this time didn’t have to be a negative for me. I could view it in a positive light. I could use it as a time to prepare for my next chapter without any regular day-to-day stressors. Once I realized that, I knew I would be okay. Stay safe friends, I think relief is coming.