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Why did it take a global pandemic for me to carve out daily time to talk to my loved ones?


I’ll tell you why.


It’s because we are always moving too quickly. We are always “too busy” to fit in another call. We just have “too much going on”.  We will “find time” another day.


And then our worlds came to a screeching halt. Everything changed in a matter of hours. Things are moving so much slower now, and I’m grateful.


I’m grateful because in this season of strange, I’ve talked to two or more of my best friends every single day. I’ve utilized facetime for the first time in my life and now I’ll never go back to living without it.


I’m thankful that this time has allowed me to really focus on my overall health. I’m choosing better options for my mind, body and spirit every day.


I’m thankful that I am now in the habit of taking daily vitamins – something I knew I needed to do before but never started.


I’m thankful that I now see myself with no makeup or styled hair and I’m happy with the woman looking back at me in the mirror.


I’m thankful that this crisis took me to a dark place and that I was strong enough to step right back into the light.


I know this is a scary time for business owners, workers deemed “necessary” who are still interacting with the public every day, healthcare professionals on the front lines, and for all humans in general. It’s scary because we don’t know everything about this virus we are fighting. It’s scary because we don’t know how long it will be before life goes back to normal.


But this time can also be seen as a time of growth. It’s a time of learning as we all adapt to things we are not yet used to or comfortable with. It’s a time where we can band together to help others in ways we didn’t think about before. It’s a time for kindness to prosper.


I know so many of my humans are so tired of this quarantine lifestyle, but I think it’s so important to view this time in any light of positivity we can find. Things could be so much worse. Stay safe loves!