Onto The Next One
I bet you didn’t know that I was embarrassed when I told my friends I was moving back to Defiance and purchasing a home 2.5 years ago.
You heard me correctly – I felt shame. Which is INSANE – I was a 27-year-old woman and I was purchasing a home with no co-signer on my mortgage. I had NOTHING to be ashamed of, BUT I was worried about what people would “think” of the fact that I hadn’t moved to a big city like I always said I would, and lived that “big city life”.
Looking back I can say, that was the best decision I have made to this day, because I’ve lived my best life working at my dream job for the last 2.5 years in a home that I adore, surrounded by people who I love.
I was SO hard on myself. I wish I would have given that version of me a little more credit. She was doing big things and didn’t even realize. But you all know I’m giving her the credit now. I’m here to applaud the self-conscious, scared, lost 27-year-old version and simultaneously celebrate this strong, independent, less scared 29-year-old me.
I’ve had such a beautiful life, and it just keeps getting better.
This morning I finish year 28 on this Earth. It’s been a wild ride my friends.
In year 27 I bought a home, rescued a pup and helped build a business.
In year 28 I learned to love myself, all the parts of me – the good and the bad.
Today I turn 29.
Today I close on the selling of my first home.
I spend one last day in this beautiful oasis I created, and then, tomorrow I wake up and move all of these boxes and memories to an apartment in Columbus.
Stay tuned for my next adventure. I can already feel the good vibes coming our way.